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The novena has started. If you are registered please check your inbox, if you do not have an email from us, check your spam folder. If there are any issues contact us at   

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About Monica Treviño

Consecrated Woman of Regnum Christi

Monica Treviño consecrated her life to God in 1993. She has worked in Italy, Chile, Argentina and the United States. Her ministry has concentrated on the formation of consecrated women and on pastoral work with youth, adults and families. She is currently serving in the Diocese of Galveston-Houston forming Christian leaders by accompanying women as a spiritual director, preaching spiritual exercises and giving formation courses. She is a graduate of Notre Dame Graduate School of Christendom College where she obtained a Master in Theological Studies with a concentration in consecrated life. Currently, she is completing a 3-year formation program in spiritual direction and spiritual exercises with the school of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary in Boston, MA.


Video Content

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PDF Handout



What to Expect of the Novena?

Grow in your faith and join us in a prayerful 10-day journey celebrating and exploring the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

A digital content series designed to inspire you to know Christ and experience his love for you. For 10 days you will receive a daily email to lead you in prayer & reflection on the Sacred Heart of Jesus.


Each day includes:


Video Content


A daily video with guided reflections that will take a deep dive into the Heart of Jesus. 

PDF Handout


A daily printable handout to help you follow along the reflections, take notes, and guide you on your daily meditation.



Each day you will have a song to accompany you on your meditation.



Virtually pray together with us and express your love for Our Lord in a beautiful litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus



Join our Facebook Group to discuss our daily reflections and encourage others participating in the novena. 

Thank you for supporting our mission!

About the Painting

In 1993 Joseph Fanelli, well known and classically trained Portrait and Floral Still Life painter was asked by his Mother to paint "The Sacred Heart of Jesus" for her chapel. Ten years later, the magnificent image Mr. Fanelli created has become one of the most sought after, revered images of the apparition of The Sacred Heart as well as of Jesus in general . Prints of the piece have been blessed by Saint John Paul II. Churches all over the world have used reproductions of the image.  Parishes have prayer groups using the print and most notably, a church in South Florida received permission to translate the image into an 18 ft by 30 ft mosaic for behind the altar.


To learn more and or purchase prints of this magnificent painting please click here.

© 2020 by Halo Graphic Design for the Consecrated Women of Regnum Christi Houston

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